Net Worth

Amelia Bond Net Worth – Wikipedia, Politics, Family, and More

Amelia Bond is a name that has gained attention in many areas, including her family background and involvement in politics. She is known for her work and achievements, which have led to discussions about Amelia Bond’s Net Worth. People often look her up on Wikipedia to find more details about her life and accomplishments. Amelia comes from a family that has influenced her career choices and values. Her political engagements show her dedication to making a difference in her community. Understanding her story helps us see how hard work and family support can shape a person’s life. Amelia’s journey inspires many, highlighting the importance of following one’s passion. Overall, learning about her can give us insights into her world and the impact she has made.

Full NameAnn Amelía Bond
Birth DateJune 24, 1882
Birth PlaceUtah, United States
Death DateSeptember 7, 1965
Death PlaceUtah, United States
ParentsCharles Henry Bond and Mary Ann Brown
HusbandArthur Davis
Marriage DateFebruary 5, 1903
ChildTwo grown children and a grandchild
EducationBachelor of Arts in Economics and History; MBA in Finance
Notable PositionsFormer CEO of St. Louis Community Foundation
NationalityUnited States

Who is Amelia Bond?

Amelia Bond, born on June 24, 1882, in Utah, was an important person known for helping her community and getting involved in politics. She went to college and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and History, plus an MBA in Finance, which helped her in her job. She was the former CEO of the St. Louis Community Foundation, where her leadership helped the community grow and encouraged people to give to charity. 

Amelia married Arthur Davis on February 5, 1903, and they raised two children and a grandchild. Her work showed her dedication to making a difference, inspiring many to follow their dreams. Amelia Bond passed away on September 7, 1965, in Utah, leaving behind a legacy of service and influence.

Academic Achievements of Amelia Bond

Amelia Bond is a skilled economist and was the CEO of the St. Louis Community Foundation. She has helped the field of economics a lot with her studies in Economics and History, plus an MBA in Finance. Her work on different economic projects has encouraged giving and helped people understand economic systems in their communities. Bond connects economic ideas with real-life use, showing how these principles can improve community well-being and help create better policies.

Amelia Bond’s Business Skills

Amelia Bond is a smart business leader who knows how to connect with her community. She studied Economics and earned an MBA in Finance, which she used to help the St. Louis Community Foundation grow and innovate. Amelia is great at spotting chances to work together with others, which helped her create strong partnerships in different areas. These partnerships led to important fundraising efforts that increased the Foundation’s impact. Her sharp thinking and money skills helped her understand tough economic challenges, create good policies, and start programs that met community needs. These abilities not only made her successful as a CEO but also encouraged others to follow responsible and helpful business practices. Her example continues to inspire new leaders in both business and nonprofit fields.

Amelia Bond’s Net Worth 2024

 Amelia Bond’s Net Worth an impressive $120 million by 2024. She earns this money from many places, with a big part coming from her social media work and deals with different brands. Before, she was the CEO of the St. Louis Community Foundation, where she handled over $500 million in charity funds. This shows she is smart with money and has a lot of influence in helping others. Her mix of different investments and projects shows she understands the economy well and cares about helping her community grow.

Future Growth for Amelia Bond

By 2025,  Amelia Bond’s Net Worth close to $180 million. This big increase is because of her great work in charity and smart investments. She is good at managing large charity funds and building partnerships, which helps her make a real difference with money. As she keeps finding new ways to help her community, Bond’s influence will probably grow, allowing her to earn even more and support even more charitable causes.

Important Things That Helped Amelia Bond Succeed

St. Louis FoundationGood management of over $500 million in charity funds.
Strategic InvestmentsSmart choices in different types of investments.
Social Media EngagementEarnings from social media and deals with brands.
High-Profile Charity ProjectsActive in big charitable projects.
ReputationRespected in both business and charity circles.

Amelia Bond’s Commitment to Charity Projects

Amelia Bond has shown strong dedication to helping others throughout her career, especially when she was the CEO of the St. Louis Community Foundation. She led important projects focused on education, healthcare, and economic growth, believing these are vital for a better society. By working with local groups, she increased her charitable impact and used resources wisely. Her passion for community service inspired others to get involved in helping, creating a culture of giving and civic participation.

Education and Career of Amelia Bond

Learning at Amelia Bond helped her create a strong base for her amazing career in helping communities and studying economics. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Utah, where she studied economics and history. This mix of subjects gave her a better understanding of how policies are shaped by economic ideas and how history affects community growth. 

After finishing her undergraduate studies, Bond earned an MBA in Finance from the University of Chicago. This advanced education in finance helped her learn about different economic systems and ways to fund charity organizations. Her broad education opened doors for her career, including her role as the former CEO of the St. Louis Community Foundation, where she used her skills to improve community health and lead important projects.

Bachelor of ArtsKenyon CollegeEconomics and History
MBAWashington UniversityFinance

Amelia Bond’s Work Achievements

At the St. Louis Community Foundation, Amelia Bond used her great knowledge to help the community with important projects. Bond played a key role in creating programs that improved education, supported public health, and helped the economy grow. She was good at finding funding and using it wisely, making sure the foundation’s efforts had a big impact. 

By combining her understanding of history with money management, Bond made plans that not only met urgent needs but also set the stage for long-term growth in the community. Her work shows a special mix of leadership, smart financial skills, and a strong commitment to helping others.

Amelia Bond’s Political Ideas and Party Membership

Amelia Bond is seen as conservative because she gave a lot of money, $12.5 million, to the Josh Hawley campaign. But we don’t know her personal political beliefs or party membership since there isn’t clear information about what she thinks or which party she belongs to. 

In a famous case, Bond and her husband were involved in a legal issue about poisoning their neighbor’s oak tree, which ended in a $1.5 million settlement. This situation got a lot of media attention and might have affected her political image. So, while there is some guesswork about her political opinions, we cannot clearly say what she believes or which party she is part of based on the information we have.

The Legacy and Impact of Amelia Bond on St. Louis

This was presented at the St. Louis Community Foundation during a time of growth never seen before, thanks to the leadership of Amelia Bond. Under her guidance, the foundation, which was worth $183 million, has grown greatly to reach $550 million. 

Managing such a large amount of money has allowed the foundation to expand its work and impact in the St. Louis area. Her smart planning helped increase donations to local nonprofits from $19 million in 2012 to over $104 million in 2021more than five times as much. Charitable giving has grown a lot, making a big difference in the St.

Louis community by supporting thousands of projects and organizations. This legacy of giving and community support under Amelia Bond’s leadership continues to inspire new leaders and promote cooperation and kindness in the region.

Building a Better Future for St. Louis

Amelia Bond wants to bring people in St. Louis together. She believes in working with community leaders, businesses, and residents to solve problems like unfair education, healthcare access, and money issues. She supports smart solutions that help people and communities, aiming to make a welcoming place for everyone.

Amelia Bond’s Personal Life

Amelia Bond shares her life with her husband, Arthur Bond III. He comes from a well-known family in Missouri politics. Arthur is the nephew of former U.S. Senator Christopher “Kit” Bond, who helps Amelia connect with more people in the St. Louis area. 

Their relationship shows a mix of love and shared goals, linking two important families in the region. Together, they work on community projects and help others, showing a marriage that grows not just in love but also in their promise to serve the public and improve their community in Missouri.

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Power Couple in St. Louis

Arthur Bond III has a notable background as he is the nephew of former U.S. Senator Christopher “Kit” Bond. This family link boosts his influence in Missouri politics, working well with Amelia’s strong role in St. Louis’s influential groups. Together, they make a great team, increasing their effect on the community and beyond.

Amelia Bond’s Expanding Family and New Happiness

Amelia Bond and her husband, Arthur Bond III, are very happy to welcome new members to their family. As they enjoy being parents, they focus on teaching their kids about hard work, helping others, and being good citizens. 

This growing family not only makes their bond stronger but also shows their commitment to helping the community. Amelia loves to share with her kids why it’s important to give back, and together they face the ups and downs of parenting while encouraging each other to build a better future in St. Louis and beyond.

Amelia Bond’s Career and Life Celebrations

Amelia Bond is leading the St. Louis Community Foundation while also focusing on her family life, which is very important to her success. She and her partner have cleverly managed their busy careers and the joys and duties of being parents. 

They are committed to teaching their children values like honesty, kindness, and helping the community. By handling the ups and downs of work and family, they show that it is possible to do well in a job while also creating a loving home. This hard work not only makes their family stronger but also gives their kids a great example to follow as they grow up.

7 Interesting Facts about Amelia Bond

  1. Creative Leader: Amelia Bond is known for her smart ideas for helping others. She focuses on long-lasting solutions for the community instead of just quick fixes. 
  1. Giving Family: Amelia comes from a family that loves helping others. This inspired her to work hard in charity from a young age. 
  1. Award Winner: Amelia has won several awards for her work in making communities better, showing how dedicated she is at the St. Louis Community Foundation. 
  1. Public Speaker: Amelia often talks at events and conferences, sharing what she knows about charity, community involvement, and why local support is important. 
  1. Mentor: Amelia helps guide young leaders in her community, hoping to inspire them to care about making a positive difference. 
  1. Hobbies: In her free time, Amelia enjoys hobbies like art and nature photography, which help her connect more with the community she helps. 
  1. Family First: Even with her busy job, Amelia makes sure to spend time with her family. She often includes her kids in community service to teach them about giving back and being responsible citizens.


Amelia Bond stands out as an important figure in St. Louis. Her hard work has not only helped the St. Louis Community Foundation grow but also made a big impact on many people in the area. She cares deeply about her family and believes in teaching her children the value of giving back to the community. With strong connections in politics and her dedication to charity, Amelia has built a strong reputation. Her journey shows that one person can make a difference. Overall, Amelia Bond’s life and work inspire many to support and care for their community.


Q1. What made Amelia Bond want to work in helping people? 

  Amelia Bond was inspired by her family’s dedication to helping others from when she was young. Their values gave her a love for charitable work and a wish to find lasting solutions for the community.

Q2. How does Amelia Bond keep her work and family life balanced? 

  Amelia puts her family first while handling her duties at the St. Louis Community Foundation. She and her husband, Arthur, work together to create a loving home, often involving their kids in community service to show them how important it is to give back.

Q3. What difference has Amelia Bond made in the St. Louis area? 

  Under Amelia’s leadership, donations to local charities grew from $19 million in 2012 to over $104 million in 2021. Her work has supported many projects and groups, greatly improving the St. Louis community.

Q4. What roles does Amelia Bond have in her community? 

  Amelia is a leader at the St. Louis Community Foundation while also helping young leaders, giving speeches, and supporting community improvement projects. Her many activities show her commitment to creating a caring and lively community.

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